Too close for comfort… is what one Thunderbird says to another

04 Jul 2015 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 14

  1. Dei G 4 Jul 2015 Reply


  2. They are beautiful to watch fly I used to go see them till there was an accident and one flyer died. But may God bless them they are so talented and brave

  3. Brent Burzycki 4 Jul 2015 Reply

    Accidents are part of aviation… I wish more people went after an accident vs stopped going to show continuing support. They all know the dangers and if you talk to them not one would have it any other way…

  4. Dei G 4 Jul 2015 Reply

    +Brent Burzycki I love air shows…
    I live right by Griffis Air Force Base in Rome, NY & i go to as many as I can get to!

  5. I would still go but they cancelled them in Florida

  6. Ashoob Kermani 4 Jul 2015 Reply

    Amazing too close

  7. B Comoros 6 Jul 2015 Reply

    +Ashoob Kermani yeah you know I really don't understand it

  8. Brent Burzycki 7 Jul 2015 Reply

    What is not understood?

  9. Donnie Hunter 7 Jul 2015 Reply

    yeah that is really too close for comfort there is no margin forever in that flying

  10. Brent Burzycki 7 Jul 2015 Reply

    +Donnie Hunter most in actually very safe when you consider perspective of the viewer..

  11. Helen Mudie 9 Jul 2015 Reply

    That is close

  12. Please delete site

  13. fd nor 16 Jul 2015 Reply

    It seems like the 2 aircraft is touching…

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