This is what I can show here…… and I respect the NSFW aspect of G+ – as when I was shooting through my stream the other day at work one of my workers came in and was like Holy Crap man what are you looking at… then there was an hour debate as to if I took the photo and if he could hold the reflectors at the next shoot…guess it could have been the bosses wife… oops…
If you want to see the rest see it here on 500px:
And please let me know what you think… positive or negative…. want to be negative and not post your feelings here – feel free to share them with my in a private post… I am trying to better understand the aversion to certain types of photos….and the why behind it…
+Brent Burzycki this is a truly beautiful shot. Everything looks just perfect.
I saw the one at 500px and personally like this more because the cropping of the top works better for me here :)) Grand shot and a lovely model.
She looks so flawless like a doll 🙂
+Cathy Owen in this case she is pretty much flawless… Great skin….