Take advantage Sci Fi lovers

Reshared post from +Jim Sutton

Celebrate National Science Fiction Day with FREE eBooks!

“What senses do we lack that we cannot see or hear another world all around us?” 

     – Frank Herbert, Dune

Here are a few links (there are many, many more) to free works of wonderful science fiction for your enjoyment. Control the universe!

(p.s. this should really be INTERnational Science Fiction Day, don't you agree? h/t +Donna Zachare

36 Places for Free Science Fiction & Fantasy Audiobooks Online: goo.gl/R2ocWn

Science Fiction – Free Books Online: goo.gl/KbHqow

obooko – Free Science Fiction Books: goo.gl/CF2rQG

Project Gutenberg – Free Science Fiction (Bookshelf): goo.gl/mQboq

E-Books Directory – Free Science Fiction: goo.gl/0ZUXWJ

#sciencefiction   #scifi   #free   #ebooks   #nationalsciencefictionday  

Comments: 6

  1. Angelo Atzei 3 Jan 2014 Reply


  2. John Livingston 3 Jan 2014 Reply

    I was really hoping it was in a format I could put on my kindle. I mean it's cool I can read it, but I like reading offline. I'll download a book to my reader then go somewhere and disconnect from the world to read it.

  3. Brent Burzycki 3 Jan 2014 Reply

    +John Livingston Well free is free…

  4. John Livingston 3 Jan 2014 Reply

    No I get that, and I appreciate the post. I shouldn't complain, but it's kind of "it would have been nice if…"

  5. Brent Burzycki 3 Jan 2014 Reply

    +John Livingston If I had a buck for every time I have said that…. 🙂

  6. Thomas Leiser 3 Jan 2014 Reply

    ˈʃaɪ hʉˈluːd

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