This is a screenshot from 500px's new Groups area – there are clear winners in what people are most interested in… Sorted by Most Popular and all groups…
Watching the growth over the past few days has been very interesting as it clearly shows Landscape photography as the biggest winner – but as you dive deeper there is clearly more people competing in the same space…
it also doesn't take into account the profitability of different subjects. There may be lots of photos of flowers on 500px but that doesn't mean its something you can (easily) make money photographing.
Yes, profitibility is somewhat inversely proportional to this list. Believe me, I know!
Run from trends. If you know it is a trend you are to late. Go down a road less traveled. Like me, I am doing Dirt Photography. Never heard of it? That's what I mean.
Niche is the new trend….
Gigi, Dirt Photography sounds like fun. 🙂