Rafale demo

13 Oct 2016 admin In G+ Posts

Originally shared by +Ondrej Stvan

Zeltweg AirPower 2016


Comments: 6

  1. Ike Rouse 13 Oct 2016 Reply

    Beautiful jet.. Mach 3.5

  2. David Cheng 13 Oct 2016 Reply


  3. Qwerty Uiop 14 Oct 2016 Reply

    +Ike Rouse​ faster than the SR-71?

  4. Ike Rouse 14 Oct 2016 Reply

    Okay maybe Mach 2.0 smart guy..

  5. Sandy Petroski 16 Oct 2016 Reply


  6. Bernie Auchter 10 Dec 2016 Reply


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