+Troy Hrehirchuk not quite. Think about physics. If that were true, then the wheels would ALSO be below the skis during taking off in the snow, which would cause the wheels to sink into the snow.
No, the skis HAVE to be below the wheels for liftoff, then……being made of steel, can be jettisoned by a quick release just prior to landing, gathered up, repainted, and reused.
+Shadow Rider Let me help you out here a little bit. The skis are made to fit the aircraft and not be jettisoned. When the C-130 has a requirement to land on conventional airstrips the wheels are deployed along with the skis but in a wheel down configuration. Please see video here its a series but 5/5 @ 3:02 is where you would want to look at the footage to see.
+Troy Hrehirchuk Again…..it is an impressive aircraft. But the only mention of its skis AND their weight was that they are 20 ft long and weigh 1 ton each.
NOTHING about how the skis are removed from takeoff in snow in order to accommodate a hard runway landing. It just said that the LC-130 was as graceful in landing on snow as it is landing on a conventional runway.
So……how do they lose the skis? My theory is flawless. Although it may be wrong, it IS sound.
+Shadow Rider your theory does have one flaw, and it's kind of a big one. Let's say this LC-130 is going to fly a mission to Antarctica. It leaves from a conventional runway. How then would your skis get attached to the aircraft for it's landing on the snow/ice?
+John Hayes the ONLY logical solution is that it ONLY flies when there is snow on the ground. If New York has snow…….it's a safe bet so does the Arctic. Therefore…..the skis would have to stay on OR……..be taken off upon completion of mission. WITH….. there still being snow on the ground.
An AIR FORCE pilot. Boom.
An Air Guard pilot. BAM!
I could do that. Here, hold my beer.
Special pilot but the picture that was taken to capture this moment was amazing and so beautiful
C-130…the sound of freedom…
I believe all the guys that fly these flights are reservists…
+Brent Burzycki New York Air National Guard. They have a regular mission in Antarctica.
So, how does it land on a normal runway on the wayback?
+ishakh pulakkatu thodi On the return flight the wheels are deployed below the skis. Allowing the pilot to land on conventional runways.
+Troy Hrehirchuk not quite.
Think about physics. If that were true, then the wheels would ALSO be below the skis during taking off in the snow, which would cause the wheels to sink into the snow.
No, the skis HAVE to be below the wheels for liftoff, then……being made of steel, can be jettisoned by a quick release just prior to landing, gathered up, repainted, and reused.
Awesome just love planes
Possible all the time in Alaska yep
+Shadow Rider Let me help you out here a little bit. The skis are made to fit the aircraft and not be jettisoned. When the C-130 has a requirement to land on conventional airstrips the wheels are deployed along with the skis but in a wheel down configuration. Please see video here its a series but 5/5 @ 3:02 is where you would want to look at the footage to see.
+Troy Hrehirchuk Again…..it is an impressive aircraft.
But the only mention of its skis AND their weight was that they are 20 ft long and weigh 1 ton each.
NOTHING about how the skis are removed from takeoff in snow in order to accommodate a hard runway landing.
It just said that the LC-130 was as graceful in landing on snow as it is landing on a conventional runway.
So……how do they lose the skis?
My theory is flawless.
Although it may be wrong, it IS sound.
+Shadow Rider your theory does have one flaw, and it's kind of a big one. Let's say this LC-130 is going to fly a mission to Antarctica. It leaves from a conventional runway. How then would your skis get attached to the aircraft for it's landing on the snow/ice?
+John Hayes the ONLY logical solution is that it ONLY flies when there is snow on the ground.
If New York has snow…….it's a safe bet so does the Arctic.
Therefore…..the skis would have to stay on OR……..be taken off upon completion of mission.
WITH….. there still being snow on the ground.
+Shadow Rider the skis are retractable separately from the landing gear. They are not just bolted on to the wheels.
+Shadow Rider http://route-this.blogspot.com/2012/01/planes.html?m=1 shows a closeup of the nose gear assy. You can see how the ski can retract so the wheels can be used.
+John Hayes GOTCHA!!!!!
OK. Now I see what you were saying.
It's as though the skis become part of the plane itself when on conventional runways.
props look still. 4 booster rockets on starboard side under the wing and skis might fit in landing gear box
Very interesting ,, nice thank you guys for the information .