Local Radio Tower – A landmark for years and vital to local Law Enforcement and Fire…

30 Jul 2013 admin In G+ Posts

Local Radio Tower – A landmark for years and vital to local Law Enforcement and Fire Radio coverage – Collapsed by vandals last night. Over a million dollars in damage. As anyone who has hiked up to this location – Its a heck of a hike.

SAN RAMON, Calif. — Supporting wires holding up a large radio tower were cut, possibly with bolt cutters, causing it to collapse, authorities revealed early Tuesday.

East Bay Regional Park District Police said they had been notified that a tower on Rocky Ridge, located west of San Ramon and Danville, had failed and collapsed early Monday morning.

Officers responded to the scene and found that no injuries had occurred and that vandalism may have been involved in the incident.

The 20-to-30 foot tower supports radio communications systems — 2-way, cellular, microwave links, ham radios — across the East Bay.
Police were continuing to investigate the cause of tower's collapse.

Anyone with information regarding the incident is urged to contact police at (510) 881-1833.

Comments: 3

  1. Richard Harlos 30 Jul 2013 Reply

    I found a link to the original story if anyone wants to follow updates: http://www.ktvu.com/news/news/crime-law/vandalism-topples-east-bay-radio-tower/nY7rx/

  2. Anthony Truss 30 Jul 2013 Reply


  3. Brent Burzycki 31 Jul 2013 Reply

    Yeh this is a major issue – there are so many links on that tower… 

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