Reshared post from +Brent Burzycki
Friday Night Reading Suggestions
So I never recommend books but I just got done reading and (Listening to) some great books – They are all Sci-Fi related and all very well written and just fun….so I thought I would share as I know many here love Sci-Fi and reading…
#1) The Lost Fleet Series and now Beyond the Frontier – A 10 book series 85hrs on Audible – Highly recomended for those that like great space sci-fi with massive fleet battles.
Link to more info: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/55547.Jack_Campbell#2) The Skyway Series by John DeChancie – this could easily be my favorite series of all time. http://www.goodreads.com/series/56404-skyway
I have read them at least 4 times – very hard to find as its out of print but totally worth the effort. Audible really needs to preserve these books via Audio formats and get someone to read them…..
#3) The Gibraltar Series from Michael McCollum (Earth, Sun, Stars)
http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/555731.Michael_McCollumIf you have a passion for Sci-Fi – I would find the time to read them all.. The Lost Fleet Series took me almost 4 months to finish as I can only (In this case listen) less than a hour a night….it was worth it to get away from reality for a few minutes a night to be able to maintain my sanity….
Also if you are part of GoodReads.com – feel free to post you link up so I can follow you over there…
thanks for these!