What is Ingress?
Ingress is a role playing/augmented reality game played in the real world using your phone or tablet. Similar to a virtual game of capture the flag.
What is an augmented reality game?
Augmented reality describes when a device is used to augment the real world around you with objects, people, creatures and environments that are virtual. In the case of Ingress, there is an app on the players mobile device that shows them the location of "portals" in the real world using the device's GPS radio and Google Maps.
Who created Ingress?
Ingress was developed by a division of Google called Niantic Labs
What is the purpose of Ingress?
The game was created as a way for Google to collect information about points of interest in communities.
What is a point of interest?
A point of interest in the game is called a portal and can be seen within the game interface on a mobile device. This portal can map to a real world point of interest like a statue, work of art, post office, church, historic site, monument, etc. Really any location that holds some form of significance in the community.
Who plays this game?
Anyone can play, but it is currently in private beta, meaning you need an invite to play. The game attracts a diverse audience of players across all races, genders, and age ranges.
Where is it played?
Everywhere, literally. From Buffalo, NY to Sydney, Australia to Berlin, Germany. The game is global and not limited to one location
How is it played?
There are two teams that fight for control over the world by capturing invisible energy portals that exist all around us. To capture a portal, a player has to physically go to the portal's location and use the app on their mobile device to capture it for their team. When 3 portals are captured they can be "linked" which earns points for the capturing team.
All players are encouraged to respect applicable local laws that would apply to them while playing the game, including trespassing on private property.
Where can I get more information?
Google's support site for the game:
This sounds awesome, how do I play?
Just ask the person who showed you this page for an invite, chances are they may have one available or know someone who does.
Welcome to the game!
How to help Law Enforcement understand the game
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I have 12…
If you sign up you will get an invite within 24 hours…
Yes… But it is really more about building teams with invites….
It's more about local based community over here (in NL that is)
+robin koomen very true… it is not different here – but if a share can get the word out to followers then so be it… maybe it will spark interest for more players and POI's
As long as they are #enlightened that is of course 😀