Android Users – specifically ICS 4.04 – But I will take all ideas….
I need to forward an entire Text Message thread to an external email… as in forward an entire conversation – HOW ON EARTH CAN I DO THIS?
I have to admit sometimes Android makes me wonder a bit on some of the missing features…thou I am not sure any phone can actually do this?
+Android +Galaxy Nexus +Samsung Galaxy Nexus +Galaxy Nexus Help
Something like http://bit.ly/KwKnKW seems like it should work. There are tons of SMS archiving apps to try.
I've been using sms backup+ to move all my texts to my Gmail. Labels them as sms and can also back up your call log if you want to and restore to the phone as well.
+Daniel Enloe thats not a good start….. I have tried an SMS backup program that sends all SMS to email – Well Gmail – but that is not the entire threaded conversation..
Maybe +Eileen Rivera can help us out… or someone on the Android team?
+Daniel Enloe ahh you are right it looks like the pro version removes the step of saving the text file then attaching it to an e-mail. It might let your just e-mail the text file directly.
I have never used the app just looked like it might do what you are looking for.
Hell if I know! I just figured out joe to respond to messages in my iPhone !
SMS to Text pro seems to work…
It just gives you a massive text dump but you can filter by contact before the export…
Nice find…..
+Sandra Parlow and might not have figured out auto correct quite yet 🙂
That too!!! Bwaaaa haaaa haaaa!
Ok – now we need a feature request for SMS to Text Pro – Date Range Filtering…