Reshared post from +Joe Bodego
This Leica 1600mm Lens Costs 2 Million Dollars
Leave it to Leica to produce the worlds most expensive lens. Sheikh Saud Bin Mohammed Al-Thani of Qatar had this lens specially designed and shipped to him for a cool $2,064,500. This 1600mm 5.6 lens is the biggest and heaviest Leica has ever made and although it is a one of a kind product, you can see the prototype of this lens (the one in the picture above) in Leica’s factory showroom in Solms, Germany.
Obviously stabilizing a lens of this size is a feat in itself and it has been reported that the Sheikh who bought it also commissioned a specially designed Mercedes to carry and steady it. Sadly the Sheik has never released any of his images taken with this lens so we will never know how it actually performs. I hope I’m around in 50 years when this thing shows up on eBay.
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The Canon 5200mm f/14 is only $45K
Every camera bag needs one……….
……or three 😉
+Olav Folland totally hand holdable….
only for spying your neighbours. 😉
+michel prins my neighbors hair follicles… inside a crater on mars…
lol yeah right, guess its only ment for ppl living in skyscrapers or castles on top of hills.
That 5200mm has a focal length of 18-32 miles… 8200+ mm on a crop sensor O_o
Minimum focal length 390 feet though, so that rules out football games. Plus, where are you going to park the pickup with the ring mount?
Even were I rich, I'd have a hard time spending $2M on a lens though 😛
+michel prins I need a castle lens……
Sheikh +Olav Folland and his truck mounted super lens…You would need a lens beach towel for the thing… and think of the lens cap and sun shade….
I do not have such money, but I want to try this lens!!! thank you +Joe Bodego
Mount it on a Pentax Q 😉
I live in Qatar…. I need to meet this guy!
+Chris Brooks Find him and get some photos with it and post them here… 🙂 Actually you might be able to take photos of me from Qatar with me in the San Francisco Bay Area…