This is the one I want…
MF Nikkor Super telephoto Zoom lense 1200-1700mm f/5.6~8.0s P ED IF
But I think I rather buy a car…
MF Nikkor Super telephoto Zoom lense 1200-1700mm f/5.6~8.0s P ED IF
But I think I rather buy a car…
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+BiIl Zinck from what I can tell that lens last went to auction for about 35K … I know they are about to release a new 800mm or so the rumors say I am sure that will be around 25-30K – I cannot even buy fuel for 20K these days…
Most people who think they want very big lenses don't really realize what is involved, in terms of size, weight, carrying it in the field, traveling with it by plane, necessary specialized ballheads and tripods and camera packs and such, demands for perfect technique to use them, etc.
I say that as someone who's been using big lenses frequently for many years. https://plus.google.com/111575712254066675586/posts/NG8MMArj6ew
+Albert Jin 看看有钱人的装备
two villa's…… and staff
well remember the words of the old wise fotographer who used his legs instead of zooms 😛
+Mike Spinak I know what is involved.. I plan to make a mount on the back of my truck…. and hire a sherpa…
But you are totally correct – the massive setup for tripod etc would be 3-4K I assume… plus the lens…
and then weight … but I wanted to work out more in 2013 – so I think just carrying this and then fighting off muggers might be my workout each day…
As I found out last year – this is the perfect shooting platform to get over the crowds..
+Axia Mitchell photographer porn…
Ansel Adams liked to shoot that way:
I also used to do that from the roof of my retired Federal Express truck.
Any idea the total value of the image?!
+Mike Spinak great minds… now for the fame thing…
Retired Federal Express truck.. see yours is taller than mine….
I got some strange looks at the Blue Angels on Treasure island… I am like – yeh best seat in the house… 🙂
next year I might install handrails and charge admission..
+Will Kennerley I would think about 3-500K – Maybe a bit less.. and if you buy new…. some of the lenses shown are one of a kind I believe or very limited… so really more than likely you could never own all these.. and these are not the new lenses.. so thats even more complicated..I believe this shot is from like a 1997 nikon catalog…
+Matt Silvan, super telephoto lenses mostly get used for sports, wildlife, and landscapes.
+Matt Silvan that white one – I think is a telescope….
+Brent Fishman Nikon 6mm F/2.8 Fisheye
Nikon’s 6mm—the world’s first lens with a viewing angle of 220 degrees—gave new meaning to the old adage of having eyes in the back of one’s head. An f/5.6 version was released in 1969, with AI and AIS versions following later.
But it’s the second generation, non-AI f/2.8 model that is the kicker of the group. Not only was it fast but no mirror lock up was required for this retrofocus design, which featured direct reflex viewing and true TTL metering. The 6mm lens produced a circular image and could focus down to 0.25m (0.9 ft). Forget about putting a filter on the front of this bulbous piece of glass; instead, Nikon designed a unique built-in filter system for the lens, so photographers had access to skylight, medium yellow, deep yellow, orange and red filters.
Used for scientific, industrial and special effects photography, the f/2.8 non-AI lens was available only by special order. It cost about $6,000 when released in the mid-1970′s, a bargain by today’s standards.
You can grab a used version of this baby for $34,290 (plus $150 shipping) on eBay-including case, front and rear caps.
Thats what the description I had seen said…
There were only 12 of the 1200-1700mm made, and at least one was made unusable (for Nikon) by conversion to Canon mount (its owned by Reuters France).
(Several of the lenses in Nikon's catalog in those days were only made by special order)
Id get it but its Manual focus. oh well….
Well nikon needs to come with a new 80-400……..
Yes, please!