Good god that's a pretty car

13 Sep 2012 admin In G+ Posts

Comments: 6

  1. Until a bug flies into your face

  2. Brent Burzycki 13 Sep 2012 Reply

    I am ok with that… I will just sell it if that happens

  3. Thomas B 13 Sep 2012 Reply

    … and Croatia's got some amazing scenery! 

  4. Jason Odell 13 Sep 2012 Reply

    Any excuse to wear a leather helmet and goggles works for me!

  5. Brent Burzycki 13 Sep 2012 Reply

    +Scott Bourne that is one sexy car… amazing they put a big ol decal on the hood….

  6. Ananda Sim 13 Sep 2012 Reply

    Cool! Old style. Does the windshield go whirrr as it comes up?

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