Here are some UI changes that might make your life a bit less horrible.
My suggestion is to just suck it up and get used to WIN8 – but this is another option for all those that have asked me…
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Very good tips!
ClassicShell is all I really needed to feel comfy in Win8. I haven't seen the candy squares for ages now 🙂
+Reuben Cohn is it stable? I have heard differing issues with each but only on some machines… and in some cases some conflict with the Lenovo WIN8 / 7 button….
Stable enough for me on my 4+ year old desktop (Core2Duo 3.0GHz w/2GB RAM) which had been running Win7. The start menu was slow to open a couple times just after coming out of a game, and maybe had to reload itself once, but certainly nothing that I've been too concerned about.
This is the first Windows upgrade I haven't deployed, and I've been beta testing for MS since Win95.
Any particular reason, Bob?
I might have to do a post on all the reasons, but compatibility and interface issues reign supreme. Where is my compelling reason to upgrade? I don't think many IT folks see one.
+Bob Milby Jr. I think I qualify as an "IT Folk." I upgraded for three reasons. 1.) It actually performs better, it uses less system resources and boots way faster 2.) it gives me access to apps I would not otherwise be able to use (getting ESPN insider access free almost makes it worth it alone) and 3.) When I go to do a system refresh, which I try to do yearly just to keep my system running clean, I can blow away windows without touching my programs and do it in a fraction of the time, as opposed to taking an entire weekend to reinstall 7.
I didn't think I would like win8… But I don't find it that bad. I prefer it over win7 so far.
Also +Brent Burzycki if you don't mind me tooting my own horn as it were, I wrote this easily printable sheet of helpful stuff for people just learning windows 8: http://win8.techjkl.me
I do agree that the interface has a certain learning curve, and I didn't end up liking or using the Windows8Apps at all on a desktop machine with a mouse. However, I feel like there actually will be a place for Win8 tablets in the short-term since the touch-based apps make far more sense there, and folks will be buying them expecting to use them for work…
That's a fair assessment, +John Livingston. Thanks for that. I use a lot of SSDs and VMs, so boot time for me is no longer a huge issue. I agree that the refresh scenario is a positive development, but the headaches and confusion I've seen around it outweigh the need to upgrade.
<rant> In a small environment with a few power users, it's very effective. In a medium to large enterprise? These people are just getting used to Windows 7. Throw IE 10 and Metro at them and watch their productivity grind to a snail's pace. Intranet apps break, older hardware won't work properly, and they can't find the Start button anymore. Where's the Windows Explorer equivalent in Metro? Why can't I boot into Desktop? Forget the whole touch screen am-I-a-tablet-or-a-desktop circular firing squad… LOL! </rant>
I'm honestly not down on it. I just see it as more of a Windows Me release. Some bells and whistles, but nothing compelling.
Exactly, +Reuben Cohn!
I know for me I might get the upgrade done – but – as for deploying it at work I just have no reason to put my employees though the learning curve at this time. It would be a huge productivity killer for me tring to answer all the UI questions and honestly WIN7 really does work well for our smaller company.
I'm with you, +Brent Burzycki.
+Bob Milby Jr. You probably know the answer to all your questions, but I'll answer them anyway.
Where is the Windows Explorer in the Modern UI?
The Modern UI should never need the file explorer (proper name in Win8) since its apps install as tiles and you never need to be concerned with where the apps are stored. If you would like a tile shortcut, go to the Start Page, start typing the word File Explorer, it will appear, right click on it and select "Pin to Start." The only time you actually need a file system is when you're dealing with desktop apps, though.
Why can't I boot into Desktop?
Because Microsoft got asked this question a year ago and explicitly decided to not only make the Start screen the first page you see, but also they removed the windows policies that would have let IT admins bypass it. They want people to get used to the Modern UI, and people hate change, so Microsoft has decided to force people into it, kicking and screaming. The screaming will die down. It may take Windows 9 to do it (which I PROMISE you, will have the Modern UI). That said, if you want to make your life easier to get to the desktop, you can move the desktop tile to the upper left most position on the first column, which is the "default" tile, which you can run by hitting the enter key. So you boot into windows, hit enter, and you're at desktop.
Sorry, sounded like the man said Microsoft decided how I want my machine to behave and which behaviours I can persist and which I can't? That's almost as obnoxious as Apple. In fact in a way it's worse because at least Apple got the user experience mostly right and THEN got obnoxious about it.
As a Linux advocate I can only thank Microsoft for this live, permanent reminder to the consumer of how much better off they are with free software.
*rolls his eyes* I'm always astounded by the sheer smugness of Linux users, it's nothing new either, that sentiment has been standard for at least the last 20 years.
You certainly can make the case that throwing the Modern UI onto a desktop operating system isn't the best user experience. You can absolutely make a good case that Windows 7 was the best version of all time and that a lot of people don't feel the need to upgrade.
Microsoft is actually doing something that they haven't done since Bill Gates was leading things, they're looking toward the future. The future is where much, if not most, of computing is done by portable devices or touch-enabled devices. Already today the majority of web traffic is mobile.
Microsoft is used to be the dominant player, they're used to being so far ahead of the competition, that they actually set the standards for how the world does something. Where are they in the mobile world though? Last I heard, they're 3.6% of the market. If they were anyone other than Microsoft, they'd be worried about going out of business.
On the other hand, due to mobile, Apple is making record amounts of money. In fact, there are some that say that they are making SO much money off iPhone and iPad that they're moving away from computers (just look at the last time they released a Mac Pro). And that doesn't even begin to touch the success they've had in their retail stores! Apple envy is completely justified and any company that says they're not envious of the profit margins Apple is getting are a bunch of liars.
Microsoft decided to do something. Their two biggest money makers are Windows and Office and they're trying to make major shifts to keep up with the changing time. For the first time ever, they're producing their own hardware. Sure there's been issues with the Surface (namely price and battery life), but most rev. 1 hardware sucks, even the first iPhone, as revolutionary as it was, had major flaws in it. Microsoft has also shifted their main operating system from being a perfect desktop OS (and desktop sales are declining every year) to one that's capable of not only running on a desktop, but also being slightly future proof and working on devices that work by touch and are mobile. This is absolutely historic for Microsoft, and is doubly impressive if you have any insight to the absolute craziness that is their management structure.
No matter what, Microsoft is always the Frontrunner. as far as OSs are concerned, I've loved Windows XP and then '7'(cannot say the same about Vista though) . And now I am shifting to Win-8, hope my great experience continues…BTW people if you time check out this AMAZING Hardware Website-http://hardwarenest.com/ I bought my laptop from there…they are always up to date and provide Great Details about all happening Hardwares in the market. TC