*How did you set your "look" or "style"? Have you changed it over the time you have been shooting?
Is it good to just have one look, my opinion is no…yet I am pretty sure that is what customers or viewers might like. They get used to one look and then follow your work based on that one look.
It is hard to know the true right direction to travel as far as look or style. I am not sure there is even a right direction in anything we all do daily…. I know I will continue to refine what I do in multiple directions.. never planning on getting caught in one style or look but adding them all to the tool belt of photo skills I am accumulating.
Here is something different I cooked up today trying to be different from my normal look and style… how did I do?
#sexysunday – for the sexy stuff – where you see more skin at the checkout counter these days…
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Definitely your look 😛
I was told I have a "look" once. I'm not sure what the look is other than: this is what I see.
+Jason ON I have had several people tell me I have one… I am not sure one of them said if it was good or bad……
+Mike Thompson so technically then a style is limiting and we all should look at being able to have the skill set to create any style a customer is looking for..
Sadly I do not have time ot energy to do that.. but if I was trying to make money daily.. I sure would think about style vs. work…or ability to get a specific shot…
Or balancing style and ability to get any shot I need too with my own look and style…
+Mike Thompson thankfully its not a job at all.. I would be dirt poor if it was…..
I try to get one, not sure if I succeed though! 🙂
Not yet… haven't found one I like
So the other question is how do you know your style when you find it….
When yo develop a pattern I gather.
+Brent Burzycki I think when others start saying that they recognized that it was your shot before reading your name! 🙂
I think everyone eventually has a look or style, whether its beacuse certain modifiers get used and are preferred more to others or certain teqhniques with post processing are applied. A look or style I don't think is a bad thing, as long as you're not trying to purposely copy and imitate someone.
+Dean Blowers unless your look or style sucks and no one is willing to tell you…..
+Brent Burzycki haha yeah, I hope this isn't the case when I find my look.
+Dean Blowers I hear you on that… I was once told that the look I had then was not going to last long term… they were right.. so I tweaked the look..and my post processing…