*PS: Not Complaining* Because if they were I would be in deep..
I had listened to the recent TWIT special on Bandwidth with +Tom Merritt and I do not recall anyone saying they might have lifted this cap….
I wonder if they are doing it per person?
+chip rodick backing up my terrabyte NAS of photos and data…
Sadly with online services when you wipe a computer you lose your link to that data and have to re upload… it can be painful…
What?!!! I paid $200 in March to get my cap lifted!
+chip rodick not entirely correct. See next line.
+Brent Burzycki they only lifted the cap in markets where they are not currently trialing their new "data usage management approach". Which is most.
Read more about it here. http://blog.comcast.com/2012/05/comcast-to-replace-usage-cap-with-improved-data-usage-management-approaches.html
Hello All, just wanted to add another link with more info on the Policy. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to email our team at We_Can_Help@comcast.com. We're here to help if you need us. +Comcastcares
You know who hasn't/doesn't/won't have a data cap?
Who also has reliable service?
+Verizon FiOS