Anyone have ideas on how to get Lightroom 4 settings into Lightroom 5… as in watermarks, gallery settings etc etc… It seems as if presets need to be reloaded also.
Seems strange all those settings would not move…
+Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
+Scott Kelby
+Matt Kloskowski
I am sure someone has asked this and when searching I have found nothing specific.. Maybe I blew it on install.. But that seems like it would be hard to do.. It did take almost an hour to convert my existing library…
Mine moved over seamlessly.
Automatically…. Or did you have to move them manually..
Did you use "Import from Catalog" dialog to import your setting from 4 to 5?
Automatically. I didn't do anything.
+Christopher Harnish it asked if I wanted to load a catalog – and I did.. and it moved nothing but the photos….
Hmmm – Seems it should have loaded your catalog and immediately gave you a dialog something to the effect of – You need to convert this catalog to be used for LR5 and it takes a little bit. Mine did not take an hour though- just a few minutes for 30K images. It sounds like you imported? I would try this: Open Lightroom – Go to File/Open Catalog and find the old LR4 cat once again. Once opened you should receive that dialog about converting existing catalog to LR5.
Did you receive that message the first time?
It did convert… But did not pull across any watermarks or other custom settings I had….. Export settings etc…
I'm sorry +Brent Burzycki i guess i am at a loss. Mine converted OK to with all setting intact. Even my publish settings were intact and organized. Conversion should not affect any of these things. I would contact customer support.
Well I solved it – just manually moved them…..
Yeah, when I got the message asking if I wanted to update the Catalog for use with LR 5 and clicked yes….EVERYTHING seems to have converted over except having to update some plugins. Glad you were able to manually move everything, though.