It is truly amazing what can be pulled out of a more than drab initial photo…
Maybe tomorrow if people are interested I will post a side by side of the original out of camera shot and the finals I came up with tonight.
I think many here might think what they see on their stream is reality…
It is usually very much not reality as the camera sees it but what is then created is what reality we might see through the lens….
Bearing in mind reality does not need to be true….
Hi Brent, I would be interested to see the before and after, it is always interesting to see how people process their images. It also makes people realise that a shot that initially uninspires can be recovered by someone with a good working knowledge of photoshop 🙂
Yeap! It will be great if you could share the originals, it always great to compare them with the final results!
A nice shot as always, always good to see a photo of yours in my stream.
Would love to see the before and after, even the process if you can.
Ha. Great picture. But if you really want a challenge, Brent, start with a homely, shapeless model!
+Stephen Berlin I rather just use super hot ones.. less editing…
+Brent Burzycki Beautiful!!!