And yet another day with even more G+ features added

24 Aug 2011 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

thanks +Jon Moon

Reshared post from +Jon Moon

See who else the photo album is shared with!


Oh, hello there! I'm +Jon Moon and I’m an engineer on Google+ photos.

You may have noticed that when someone posts something in your stream, you can see who it was shared with. If you look at the top of the post you'll see either Public, Extended circles, or Limited, and clicking on that shows you more details. (More info here:

Today we are introducing the same feature for photo albums, so that you can comment on photos knowing who will be able to see your brilliant, witty, clever remarks. Hooray!

This is just one of the many ways we are working to improve your photos experience on Google+. Thanks and we look forward to your feedback!

Comments: 5

  1. Tyler Lovelace 24 Aug 2011 Reply

    I thought they've had this feature since the beginning? O.o
    I would swear I saw it weeks ago.

  2. Brent Burzycki 24 Aug 2011 Reply

    +Tyler Lovelace If so I never had seen it – and this guy designed it and posted it today… so I hope its new….

  3. Tyler Lovelace 24 Aug 2011 Reply

    +Brent Burzycki Yeah
    Maybe I'm just imagining seeing it before this post
    When things are always changing like they are on Google+ it's pretty easy to get confused 😛

  4. Brent Burzycki 24 Aug 2011 Reply

    +Tyler Lovelace I am with you there…

  5. Tim Kerr 24 Aug 2011 Reply

    I'm not positive, I think we've only been able to see if the photo album was limited or public for example, but I don't recall seeing the individuals by name like it is now. Then again, I am not one who actually looks to see who else you have shared your photo albums with.

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