If you shoot panos and are willing to join us to learn and talk panos, pano equipment and techniques – READ BELOW
Here are the ways to get listed up and into peoples circles:
#1 – Add the people from this circle to your own Pano Circle
#2 – Add yourself to these lists:
#3 – Introduce yourself here and we can all start a conversation…..
We are trying to form an active Pano Community… so if you are shooting them or wanting to learn…. Get signed up….
Also please re-share this if you know others that would be interested..
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Pano shooter in Honlulu, Hawaii
+Andrew Namiki Roberts Thanks.. we will get you added to the circle and make sure to list yourself up on the other lists…
done and done!! I don't shoot only panos, but I do enjoy them now and again! Great idea for a group!
Oh hi, I just love panoramas and even attempted to build my own panorama head before. But I had to stop a while since I upgraded to a FF body and rendered my old 10-20mm aps-c lens useless, but after 6 months of waiting I've finally gotten myself a nice old 16-35mm and hopefully I'd be able to start shooting pano again soon!
Pano-maker here! Mostly into 360×180 images
+Jonny Lim +Sandra Parlow – welcome…… make sure to add yourselves up to the two lists also…full time pano people are welcome but I do not think anyone only shoots panos.. well then again maybe there are….
I tried shooting panos, but they shot back and so I ran. 🙂
I usually don't go out of my way to shoot panos, but when the scene is just right, I love it! I have several favs that I have done.
I love all things photography. Here are a few of my panoramas that I migrated over from Flickr: https://plus.google.com/photos/102449949858490990934/albums/5637179656476534657/5639065140645864514 (hope this link works for you)
and the pano circle grows……..
Excited to learn how to take better Panos. I posted one I took to the Circle.
I LOVE shooting panoramas! I don't get enough opportunities to do so. I mostly do sphericals, but I'll take a 'flat' panorama if the scene warrants it. You can see my work at my 360 cities profile. http://www.360cities.net/profile/neil-creek I'm looking forward to seeing work from more panographers! Thanks for posting this 🙂
I have shot some and would love to shoot more. Looking forward to what there is offered and what I can offer back!
Shoot lots of panoramas if a "normal" photo can't show the complete scene. Made 28 panoramas from Iceland, you can find them in my album Iceland (https://plus.google.com/photos/112342248775237115466/albums/5646572699076607953)
Hi, noob checking in! I'm stoked to learn more about panos. I should post some of my panos…Also, what is this "pano equipment" you speak of? I'm running out of $$$ as it is.
thanks for the info, i shoot a lot of portrait orientation pano's, as well as a few virtoramas. Great to be involved and to learn form other shooters
+Wes Lum its not cheap…. I can tell you that as someone that is actively looking at buying a setup….. an example thou on the high end of high is:
great the circle continues to build…..
Updated Pano Circle – https://plus.google.com/108542426628002931624/posts/HN3jkM4ozTV
+Wes Lum – I use an inexpensive panorama head called a panosuarus from gregwired.com – around $100. It works well enough bu the Really Right Stuff would be a cool addition to any kit.
Hi everybody, I'm the Product Manager at 360Cities.net, the 360° panorama sharing website. I take panoramas for fun and I make sure our site promotes your work and makes panorama rock stars out of you 🙂 When you post a 360° panorama on 360Cities it's automatically viewable on the web and mobile and you can share a link with a nice preview thumbnail here on Google+. My profile is here http://www.360cities.net/profile/jan-vrsinsky
+Brent Burzycki The current panorama circle is up to almost 500 people. I've also started a new list / circle for the more dedicated panorama buffs.
the currently active post for joining the panorama circle is here: https://plus.google.com/103236949470535942612/posts/gVE65n15MDt
The hard-core panorama circle is here: https://plus.google.com/103236949470535942612/posts/4SfDnzShjGA
And I now have a master category and 3 lists on group.as for panoramas.
200 most interactive panorama photographers :
Hard-core Panorama photographers:
Panorama Photographers And Aficionados:
+Brent Burzycki –
– Several things, firstly can I grab the pano banner image in this post ?
– Do you want to keep the group.as list or would it be all right to subsume it into the other panorama lists I have, if so, can you lock or redirect people to one of group.as links I have.
I'm trying to consolidate all of this so that it all works better for the #jarvieCircleProject?