#whitespace is no longer an issue

12 Apr 2012 admin In G+ Posts Tags:

I am not a whitespacehater – I am a whitespacewonderer thou… I know Google has a plan.. I wish part of that plan is going to be flexibility of the space and the interface. I would love to see G+ become where I can make some of the layout choices to make it more mine for how I want to consume some of the content. Options, flexibility, thou painful can make the overall experience more usable.

I like to use my limited time I have for social more wisely…and since everyone is so different in what they want to consume some flexibility would be a nice way to make many (ok at least me) more happy…

And if people are wondering why I picked some half naked photo – its because thats what I do with my photography skills… Many that follow me might not even know that ….. now you do.. if you hate it look at my cool photos of planes… if you like it let me know and I will post others…

And if your +Vic Gundotra or +Brian Rose or any of the 100's or thousands that work on G+ – Keep up the great work, this product thou whined about my many to include me is still the best out there and a massive + for us photographers….

Comments: 14

  1. Chaim Frank 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    I wish the white space on my puter looked like yours 🙂

  2. Brent Burzycki 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    I will send you a photo +Chaim Frank I was thinking a nice landscape photo or maybe a field of poppies… but then this photo jumped out at me… not to say poppies are not sexy….

  3. Sandra Parlow 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    I like the one that +Wes Lum made… 😉

  4. Chaim Frank 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    +Brent Burzycki As much as I like poppies, this picture wins hands down from any flower or landscape shot I have seen recently.

  5. Brent Burzycki 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    +Sandra Parlow yes… that one could possibly win….

  6. BJ Denenberg 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    For some reason, that gal's face reminds me a little of Helen Hunt in years gone by. Beautiful photo – wonderful pose, expression, and light.

  7. Brent Burzycki 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    +BJ Denenberg I wish it was Helen Hunt…I feel in love with her in Twister…. the model in the photo is Divini Rae – http://www.divinirae.com

    A great model to work with… she has all those looks down….

  8. Chaim Frank 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    My new life dream is to make it to your studio and just watch you work one day +Brent Burzycki 😉

  9. BJ Denenberg 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    Well, now we're even. I think I just fell in love, too. Seems like Divini Rae is far more than just a great model. Quite a bio.

  10. Brent Burzycki 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    My new life dream is to have a studio.. 🙂

  11. Brent Burzycki 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    +BJ Denenberg yes… super smart and avid business person…. model, photographer, etc… she has her crap in one sock as my friend at work likes to say…

  12. Bill Hardman 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    Poppies??? all I see are a set of Puppies. 😛
    but seriously, how did you get that into the white space?

  13. Brent Burzycki 12 Apr 2012 Reply

    +Bill Hardman photoshop trickery… saldy no cool extension in chrome to insert photos into the whitespace…

  14. Dani Ward 12 Apr 2012 Reply


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