Well good by 2013 – You hard your ups and downs – Here is to 2014 that better be more up than down
#1 – More photos
#2 – Better Fitness
#3 – More Photos………!
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Happy 2014 Brent!
+Daniel Kuciel To you also……
+1 to your Happy New Year sentiment; +10 to the lighting on this image!
+Edward Bartel thanks.. Hally New Yeart back.. See I cannot type and I do not even drink…… Go Figure…
HNY, Brent!! ♥
+Sandra Parlow Yeh! Zombie Princess! HNY to you also…. (I have no idea how to do a heart)
lol! seriously? You, the tech nerd, don't know how to make a heart?
that's awesome!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
You know +Sandra Parlow if I did not like you I would…….
Do nothing and still not know how to make a heart… O:-)
lol! are you on a PC? I bet you're on your phone. I dont think you can do it from a phone..
And I like you too 😉
Tablet… Yes… I can only sit here and listen to my nutball neighbors try to burn down the neighborhood…… With fireworks…
go out and join them! Do it with wreckless abandon!!!
Zzzzzzzzzzzzz old guy…. Need beauty sleep….
'night, old guy.. 😉
Night zombie lady…
better sleep with one eye open…
I always do….
Some really attainable resolutions (that I have adopted) , +Brent Burzycki and very lovely image… Happy New Year!
It's the middle one that dictates all…. +T.E. Smith