This is my new marketing campaign suggestion for #Everlast punching bags – All new bags purchased come with FREE Install…
Also feel free to voice your opinions on style, pose, post process, etc.. and feel free to ask questions…
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New slogan?…
"Admit it. You'd Hit It."
For a product promo, the bag is a bit too hidden maybe. I'd have her punch the thing, from the side, but with gusto and angry face.
ohh +Sherrie von Sternberg, I would never hit a woman… but an everlast bag… Yeah, ill admit I've hit one – heck I even let my friends hit it.
+Brent Burzycki did you use a softening plug-in for the skin and such? always looking for a few re-touch tips.
+Jonathan Velasquez its about 6 layers of plugins – from Nik and I think one of +Trey Ratcliff 's new plugins he offered up..for lightroom.. so I guess in the end its about 8 layers of different subtle tweaks… If I get enough interest here I will try to post a couple screenshots of the layers used etc…
that would be cool, thanks for the info.
Brent, great job. You asked our opinion, so let me suggest that I would burn the right side of the photo so it is as dark as the left side which would allow the model to really pop out.
+Mark Vandenwauver might just try that…..thanks…
You are welcome. If you like the result please show us. 🙂
+J. Rae Chipera my answer is no… 🙂 – no pain no gain….
and thanks….